Why not nominate someone working with East Lothian's Sporting Community who deserves to be recognised for all the work they put in?
Active East Lothian's Brand New Volunteer Spotlight awards will recongise everyone who gives up their spare time to help others get involved in sport! Whether its someone who is leading training sessions for an Mini Rugby team, or the committed parent who comes along to the Junior Football club to make teas and coffees for supporters...every Volunteer makes sport a success
These awards are for those individuals that go above and beyond, or have been consistanly commited over the last number of years to get invovled!
Main details of the awards are are;
- Each Organisation can make 3 Nominations per cycle (4 cycles per year)
- Everyone nominated will be inducted into the Active East Lothian Volunteer Roll of Honour (On Active EL website)
- Winners will be profiled on Active East Lothian, and receive a Spotlight Award Trophy
- Nominations will open again in middle of March
The link for the awards can be found here; https://amartin.typeform.com/to/wHoyfi
We will be having 4 rounds of nominations per year, meaning every club will get the chance to promote their fantastic volunteers!!
Any questions on these awards or on Volunteering itself, pelase do not hesitate to contact Adam Martin on amartin@elcschool.org.uk or call 07976378469