Community Sports Hubs

About Active East Lothian

Welcome to Active East Lothian. East Lothians 'One Stop Shop' for sport and activity.

East Lothian Banner

'Locally Driven, Locally Planned, Locally Owned, Widely Supported.'

Active East Lothian is a partnership between Council teams including Sports Development, Active Schools, Outdoor Learning Service and Community Sport Hubs.

It brings together all those in the community dealing with sport and activity in one place. It is the one stop shop for all things sport in East Lothian.

If you are looking for activities in your local area, a sports club to join, news and events from around the authority, information on getting involved in volunteering and coach education or looking for ways to support the development of your club Active East Lothian is the right place for you.

It is run for the community by the community.


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