Community Sports Hubs

Terms & Conditions

All rights, including copyright and database rights, are owned by East Lothian Council.

The information, including photographs, text and any other material contained within the pages of this website, unless otherwise stated, are copyright protected. All rights are reserved.

East Lothian Council seeks to ensure that the information it publishes on its website is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and the Council cannot accept any liability for any loss arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of its site.

The Council cannot be held responsible for the data policies, procedures or contents of any pages referenced by an external link from its site.

Privacy Policy
No personal information you have given us will be passed on to third parties for commercial purposes. Our policy is that all information will be shared among officers and other agencies where the legal framework allows it, if this will help to improve the service you receive and to develop other services. If you do not wish certain information about you to be exchanged within the Council, you can request that this does not happen.


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