Community Sports Hubs

Active 4 ALL Resources

Resources and key links to find out more about Equality in Sport & Physical Activity.

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Stonewall is a charity that campaigns in schools, workplaces and communities across Britain to ensure that all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people can be themselves and participate fully in society.

Stonewall provide a variety of Education and Community Resources to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in education environments and help create more inclusive spaces.

Below are just some of the resources available:

LGBT Terminology: A resource to help understand various LGBT terms – Click here

Make Sport Everyone’s Game: Taking small steps can make a big difference to how welcome lots of individuals in sport feel. You have the power to influence your club, team and community for the better. Sports Toolkit – Click here

Challenging Homophobic Language: Stonewall’s Education Guide on Challenging Homophobic Language provides information and advice on how you can respond and prevent homophobic language as well as Stonewall’s top ten recommendations for tackling Homophobic Language – Click here



LEAP Sports Scotland (Leadership, Equality and Active Participation in Sports for LGBTI people in Scotland) works for greater inclusion for LGBTI people in sport and against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in a sports context.

LEAP Sports Scotland has a packed programme of events, activities and projects to encourage more LGBTI people to try or get involved in sport. They also help by providing training, advice and resources.

Including: Manifesto for Inclusive Physical EducationClick here


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