Volunteering is at the heart of sport in Scotland, and none more so than right here in East Lothian. Without our dedicated Volunteers, sport just wouldn't happen.
Whether they are leading the rugby team for weekly training sessions, or making teas and coffees for the hockey spectators, these individuals deserve a Thank You for giving up their time so often for the local community.
Everyone who has been nominated for a Spotlight Award will be inducted to our Roll of Honour and a very special few will win a Spotlight Award Plaque if selected as a winner by the panel.
The Active East Lothian Volunteer Spotlight Award is an award that can be won by any Volunteers involved in Sport in East Lothian.
This could be somebody from a school, the community, member of a committee or any other type of volunteer that you would like to nominate for recognition.
East Lothian Clubs and Organisations can make up to 3 nominations for Volunteers they think deserves an award each school term.
Winners of the award receive a small trophy and a website article with background info of their involvement with Sport and why they won the award.
Winners are selected by a panel of members from different areas of Active East Lothian.
If you have a queries regarding any of the above you can email the Volunteer Group who coordinate the awards at ghill@elcschool.org.uk
To nominate someone for a chance to win the Volunteer Spotlight Award and a place in the Volunteer Roll of Honour please visit -
Active East Lothian's Volunteer Spotlight Awards (google.com)
Here are our amazing Volunteers who have been inducted into the Roll of Honour so far:
East Lothian Volunteer Roll of Honour