Community Sports Hubs

Getting Started

Pass on your knowledge, give something back and have some fun at the same time. Coach in your community.

Rugby Coaching

The role of a coach is vital as the delivery of quality coaching sessions and plays a large part in increasing the number of people taking part in sport.  Appropriately qualified and prepared coaches will deliver fun and progressive sessions that will not only improve performance but also ensure that participants and performers are able to reach their full potential.   

Whether it be with local schools, community sports clubs, Active SchoolsSports Development or leading a walk or jog group there are plenty of ways to get involved. Sometimes it can be a daunting prospect when starting out. Below is some quick hints to help you on your way.

To chat to someone about getting involved then please contact Active Schools or Sports Development .

For more information on volunteering, please see the Active Business Units Volunter Policy and Induction Pack at the foot of this page.


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