Community Sports Hubs

SPORT Cricket LOCATION Neilson Park
AGE GROUPS9 Years through AdultsTRAINING TIMESWednesday evenings from 6.30pm at Neilson Park
MATCH DAYSSaturdays and MidweekPHONE07706 708639

Haddington Cricket Club, currently playing in Division 3 of the East League, have an illustrious history dating back to 1877. We’re a friendly, inclusive club, open to all ages and abilities. We value the spirit of the game more than the result although we are a competitive bunch for all that. We offer Saturday league cricket, mid week 11 a side cricket and are also participants in the 8 a side Last Man Stands league in East Lothian.

Practice nights are Wednesdays. During the winter months, through until the season starts we share indoor nets at Loretto school (located just past Musselburgh Race Course at Millhill, Musselburgh, EH21 7RQ ) on a Wednesday evening from 7.30pm – 9pm. There is a charge of £4 per person per session to cover the costs. Once the season starts in mid April we start outdoor nets in Neilson Park on a Wednesday evening from 6.30pm until it gets dark. Potential new members of all ages and abilities are always welcome. Please contact Tim Blades (07706708639) or email for more details.


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