Community Sports Hubs

SPORT Jogging LOCATION North Berwick Sport Centre
AGE GROUPS18+TRAINING TIMESWednesdays 9.15am, Thursdays 6.30pm
CLUB CONTACTSandy WallacePHONE01620 893590

Jogscotland East Lothian began in April 2006 with 1 group at Meadowmill Sports Centre.

The programme has now grown to include groups at Meadowmill, Haddington, Dunbar and North Berwick throughout the week. We have had 500+ participants since 2006. There are currently 12 volunteer jog leaders throughout East Lothian. We work in partnership with the East Lothian Athletics Development group and local clubs. If you have thought about getting your trainers on in the past but have been a bit nervous, why not come along and give it a go for a week.

Jogscotland East Lothian is about becoming more active at your own pace in a fun and friendly environment. You are encouraged to set personal goals from jogging continuously for 10 mins to running a 10k. Each group welcomes all levels from the very beginner to the advanced runner.

Each week the qualified Jog leaders will take you through a structured programme devised by jogscotland. These are progressive programmes which are flexible and can be adapted to suit the needs of each group. Joggers can move between groups at anytime. You may be surprised at how much you can achieve! Jogscotland really is an ideal way to meet new people and improve fitness at the same time!


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