Community Sports Hubs

SPORT Swimming LOCATION Loch Centre
AGE GROUPS6 - adult mastersCLUB CONTACTBruce Halloran

Tranent Amateur Swimming Club (also knownas Tasc) is a local competitive swimming club.  Established in 1973 TASC is one of the longest established swimming clubs in East Lothian. We aim to promote swimming for all age groups of children from early swimming development through to advanced competition level. We encourage the children to enjoy and develop their swimming at whatever level they feel comfortable, whether they swim for recreation and genenral fitness or to compete. Tranent swimmers range from club entry level through to competing at British Championship and Paralympic level.

Our Training times are:

Entry squad
Monday 6-7pm
Thursday 6-7pm
Friday 6-7pm
Junior squad
Monday 7-8pm
Tuesday 8-9pm
Friday 6-8pm
Sunday 4.30 -6.30
Senior squad
Monday 7.30-9.30pm
Tuesday 8-9.30pm
Thursday 7-8pm
Friday 7-9.30pm
Sunday 5.30-6.30pm


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