Community Sports Hubs

Bronze Age Pottery

Learn about the Bronze Age in East Lothian and make your own Bronze Age Beaker!

Bronze Age Pottery

WHEN: Tuesday 14 July 2015, 2pm to 3:30pm

WHERE: John Gray Centre, 15 Lodge Street, Haddington, EH41 3DX

WHO: Children age 5 to 12

As part of the Museums Summer Activities 2015 become an archaeologist and learn about Bronze Age East Lothian. Then make your own Bronze Age Beaker. 

To book a place on this workshop please contact John Gray Centre on 01620 820690 or email

Please let us know if you will no longer need your place so that we can pass it on to someone on the waiting list. 

If your child has additional support needs please contact the booking number provided and request an ASN consent and support form be sent. It is important that this form is returned in order to secure a place and for us to attempt to make appropriate support arrangements for your child.


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