
Community Sports Hubs

First Ever CLPL for FUNdamentals of Kick Boxing Delivered

Robertsons Martial Arts delivered CLPL for the Dunbar Cluster Staff

Kick boxing RMA

Robertsons Martial Arts delivered a CLPL to Dunbar Cluster staff. Brad owner of RMA delvered the training to staff from Dunbar Grammar, Dunbar PS, Innerwick PS, East Linton PS, Stenton PS and West Barns PS. 

The reason for the training was to up skill staff and give them the confidence of teaching basic techniques. 

Brad is kindly donating four Punching Bags/Gloves to schools in the cluster. Brad had done an initial project with Innerwick PS and after the success kindly offered to do the same for all schools in the cluster. The reason for RMA doing this is for children is the benefits are when working out on the punching bag, your brain increases the production of endorphins, the neurotransmitters that create feel-good thoughts. Punching helps to relieve muscle tension that can collect when you experience stress. This can help some children to regulate their emotions. 

Mrs Legge (Headteacher Innerwick/Stenton PS) "Thank you so much for Brad's donation punching bag and glovesto IPS. Several of the children benefit every morning as part of our sensory circuits work with them. The heavy work helps them regulate and get ready to learn. This equipment will be used by staff within circuit based PE lessons. Brad has come into the school and offered several taster sessions, and althought several pupils attend his classes, this has inspired others to join too. Having such a role model to come in to speak with the children has been so motivating and inspiring."

Senior Active Schools Coordinator Gareth "Brad's incredible generous offer of equipment for the schools has been well received. It is brilliant working with RMA as Active Schools partnership has only grown from strength to strength over the years which has benefitted every school in the cluster. RMA understand the benefits of having a strong school / community club link and I look forward to continuing and developing our partnership in the future"


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