Community Sports Hubs

P7 Transition Health and Wellbeing Event

MGS welcomes next year's S1s

P7 transition dance class

What used to be known as the P7 transition sports day has now evolved into a Health and Wellbeing event in line with the introduction of the faculty system at MGS.  On Friday 22nd June, all 7 of the cluster primary schools in Musselburgh attended the Grammar with their P7 classes to take part in the event.  This followed on from the standard 2 day visits but was introduced a few years ago to further engage them in the sporting life of the school. 

The P7s had the opportunity to meet their Physical Education and Home Economics teachers as well as work with future classmates and experience some of the main activities which are offered both during the S1 curriculum and also as part of the extra-curricular programme.  The event took the form of an Olympic Festival.


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