Community Sports Hubs

Sports Day at Musselburgh Grammar

Musselburgh Grammar Sports Day creates active champions

Athletics week at Musselburgh Grammar saw some intense competition and great spirit throughout the heats day, field finals and track finals for S1-S3 pupils.  Although the turn out for finals day could have been better, the athletes who did compete really got the opportunity to showcase some great talent and there were some exceptional, competitive performances and personal bests.

Overall Champions were Lauren Hall (S1 girls), Greig Fergusson (S1 boys), Morgan Naples (S2 girls), Aaron O’Donnell (S2 boys), Rachel Melrose (S3 girls) and Murray Sim (S3 boys).  The S1 and S3 house championships went to Grange, with Caird taking the S2 Championship.  Well done to everyone who took part.


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