The Benefits of Inclusion
There are many benefits to inclusion. The lists below show how inclusion benefits participants, local communities and those working in the sport & physical activity sector such as PE staff, coaches, volunteers and clubs and organisations.

The Benefits of Inclusion FOR PARTICIPANTS:
- They will learn to value others and treat them with respect
- Others will value them and treat them with respect
- They will learn to celebrate diversity & have a positive attitude to difference
- They can participate in an enriched environment and feel welcomed
- They are exposed to positive language and images that reflect society
- Their individual needs are catered for
- Participants will have a diverse group of friends
- They will find out about different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs
- Ideas/ methods to aid specific participants will benefit all (i.e. visual timetables)
The Benefits of Inclusion FOR LOCAL COMMUNITIES:
- Participants, families and carers would see their individual needs are catered for
- Barriers or anxiety about being treated differently are removed
- Participants meet a diverse group of people which assists community cohesion
- Communities will develop their own tolerance and understanding of others
- Individuals will be valued and respected in their communities
- Communities will see positive attitudes and behaviours towards diversity
- Sport & Physical Activity settings are positive and welcoming
- Children and young people will grow up with positive attitudes to differences
- Reassurance that discrimination or exclusion are not tolerated
- Schools, clubs / groups will have a positive reputation for being inclusive
- Deliverers will improve their knowledge and skills when working with diverse groups of participants
- Gain greater job satisfaction through working with a diverse group of participants
- The setting’s atmosphere is positive and welcoming to all
- Those working in sport & physical activity settings feel valued and respected
- Deliverers develop their understanding and tolerance
- Individuals feel part of a team which celebrates differences
- Club / groups / schools are secure in the knowledge that individual needs are met
- The setting meets the requirements of equality legislation