Community Sports Hubs

SPORT Football, Tennis, Rugby, Hockey, Basketball, Curling, Badminton, Table Tennis, Trampolining, Multisport, Golf, Netball LOCATION Dunbar Grammar School
MATCH DAYSVariedPHONE01368 863339

DGS Sport (@dgs_sport) | Twitter

DGS Sport: Active Schools are striving to make sport and physical activity a way of life, and we act in the best interests of sport and physical activity in Dunbar Grammar to make sure everyone has that opportunity to take part and have fun and feel included.

We offer a variety of Sports  & Activity Clubs and want our pupils to try out as many of these activities as possible, not only is sport and activity good for physical and mental wellbeing it can offer new challenges and creates opportunities to make new friends and feel part of the school and wider community.

Dunbar Grammar pupils are currently enjoying a thriving sports programme with opportunities in  Football, Basketball, Hockey, Rugby, Table Tennis, Tennis, Handball, Badminton, Fitness, Volleyball, Netball, Golf, Indoor Curling and Trampolining. To see details of the clubs we run and how to book a place on them please click: BookingLive

Many of our Sports will see us participating in fixtures or competitions locally, regional and nationally this offers pupils the chance to compete against other schools within a competitive enviroment. However if pupils are looking to participate in Sports Clubs for fitness and fun then our clubs also offer the opportunity for this.

Dunbar Grammar runs a thriving 'School of Rugby' programme for both Boys & Girls. Working in partnership with Dunbar Rugby Club, we field teams for boys from S1 to S6, and a Girls Rugby session S1-S6. The 'School of Rugby' also offers additional skills and physical development support for all of our rugby players. 

All of our clubs are free of charge with the exception of our TotalAdventure programme. Even though our clubs are free there may be costs to young people participating in sports, this may be kit or equipment. If you are worried or have concerns regarding financial barriers please contact Scott Marnoch in complete confidence and confidentiality. 

DGS Future Leaders Programme: Here at DGS we believe our young people are all potential leaders and through Active Schools Future Leaders Programme we aim to develop our young people and give them not only skills they will need to become Future Leaders but also for their own personal development. 

The Future Leaders Booklet provides a basic framework for the programme: Active Schools Future Leaders Programme

Community: We have strong links with all our Community Sports Clubs and offer pathways for pupils to be part of these clubs where hopefully they can continue to participate, compete and be part of something worthwhile through sport.Dunbar is a hotbed of sport and by linking with the local community sports hub, we enjoy close links with Dunbar Rugby Club, Hockey Club, Football Club, Tennis club, Cricket club , Coast2Coast and West Barnes   Bowling Club

Volunteering: With so many Sports Clubs and Activities happening at DGS we are always looking out for volunteers to help with the many roles within our Sports Clubs. We have an amazing school staff , parents and club coaches who give up their time to help run our sports clubs. We are always looking for support/ devlop anyone wishing to help volunteer by offering training and development courses:

Volunteer Training

Training for All

If anyone is looking for more information in helping with DGS Sports clubs plaese contact Scott Marnoch, these clubs cannot run without volunteers.

Reducing Finances as a Barrier to Sport & Physical Activity


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