Community Sports Hubs

SPORT Trampolining, Gymnastics LOCATION Meadowmill Sports Centre
AGE GROUPS9 weeks - AdultsCLUB CONTACTCatriona Morton
EMAILgymnastics@enjoyleisure.comPHONE01620 820 669

Welcome to the Gymnastics Development Home Page

Gymnastics and Trampolining in East Lothian has grown extensively in the past few years.  2010 saw the formation of East Lothian Gymnastics Development Forum (ELGDF), bringing representatives together from Active Schools, Sports Development, Enjoyleisure and all the gymnastics trampolining clubs operating in the region.  The main aims of ELGDF are to drive gymnastics and trampolining forward by creating a seamless pathway from grassroots participation in schools and centres into clubs.  Classes take place in a number of Sports Centres, Community Centres and Schools

Recreational Programmes on offer include:

Participants from the recreational gymnastics and trampolining programmes have the opportunity to take part in the 3 main annual events organised by ELGDF – East Lothian Summer Showcase, East Lothian Recreation Trampoline Competition and the East Lothian Recreational Gymnastics Competition.

Gymnastics Clubs in East Lothian:

Trampoline and DMT clubs in East Lothian:



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