Community Sports Hubs

AGE GROUPSNursery to P7CLUB CONTACTLaurie Daborn 823387 / 07976376615

You can now view and book our classes online! .

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East Lothian Active Schools is jointly funded by East Lothian Council and Sportscotland.


Sport and physical activity is just like ice cream – everyone has their favourite flavour.  Here in Haddington we are lucky enough to have a massive selection of tasty flavours on offer and Active Schools wants to help the children and young people of the area experience as many of them as possible.  The message is clear – whatever your taste, there is a sport or activity out there just for you so come on board and try as many as you can!

We link with local sports clubs and volunteers to promote current activities and develop new opportunities within the community. 

In the future we can look forward to links with Tennis and Athletics Development as well as expansion of our “Total Adventure” programme.  Add in the range of clubs on offer after school and that means the children and young people of the area really are spoilt for choice.  So what are you waiting for?  Go on, grab a spoon and taste all those ice creams that Haddington has to offer…!


Cost should not stop your child taking part in sport and physical activity

We believe that everyone should be able to participate and enjoy sport and physical activity whoever they are and whatever their background. Cost should never stop your child participating in sport and physical activity. If you are worried or concerned about your ability to cover the cost related to *any / the activity your child would like to take part in, please contact  Laurie Daborn to discuss in complete confidence.


At Active Schools we are always looking to promote opportunities for our Volunteers and Coaches to access training courses. 

You can now find the most up to date training information from our Partners & Governing Bodies at the Training For All Page



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