
Community Sports Hubs

2012 Regional Hockey Finals

Gullane Primary School Wins Regional Finals

Gullane Primary School

The P7 Regional Hockey Finals were held at Meadowmill Sports Centre on Wed 16th May.  Attending the annual event were schools from Mid Lothian, Edinburgh, Borders and East Lothian who were represented by Windygoul and Gullane Primary schools.

7 teams competed in the round-robin tournament hoping to win the trophy and beat two times winners in 2010 and 2011, Paradykes Primary school from Mid Lothian.

The tournament was closely fought between all the teams although it was clear from early on that first time competitors Gullane were going to give the defending champions a run for their money.  Gullane had a strong team of players with most of them members of the East Lothian U12 Hockey Development Squad and Gullane Junior Hockey Club.

It came down to the last game with Gullane and Paradykes level with points, but Gullane were the eventual winners, 3 points ahead.

At the end of the tournament Fiona Harfield, East Lothian Hockey Development Officer presented the trophy to the winners along with a Fair Play award and Most Enterprising Team.  Prizes were also awarded to individuals for their skill and game play during the competition.


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