East Lothian All Ability Tennis awarded Dan Maskell Trust Grant
East Lothian now has an all ability tennis club which takes place on Friday afternoons at Longniddry tennis club. It is a fun, free tennis session open to secondary school children with learning, physical and or sensory disabilities. The Dan Maskell Trust, is a tennis charity which raises funds for people with disabilities. It was formed in 1997 and named after the late Dan Maskell ‘The Voice of Wimbledon.’ It specialises in creating opportunities and supporting disabled people who want to play tennis. Support can be offered in various ways, such as providing specialist wheelchairs, equipment aswell as issuing grants.
The East Lothian All ability club have been successful in receiving a grant for their programme. This is a massive boost which means that sessions are free to attend and also the programme can continue to run indoor during Months when the weather is more unpredictable. As mentioned, the current programme is only available to secondary school players. However, over the coming it is the intention to introduce a programme available to primary school aged players.
For more information on the current programme or if you would like to show interest in any future programmes, whether it is primary, secondary or the adult sessions which run then please contact the East Lothian Tennis Development Officer Tom Swan, at tswan@enjoyleisure.com