
Community Sports Hubs

East Lothian Primary Cross Country Championships 2024

Team Wins for Law Primary and East Linton Primary at Meadowmill for the East Lothian Primary XC Championships!

EL Primary XC 2024 - Law PS Team Win

On Monday 4th March 2024, the East Lothian Primary Schools Cross Country Championships returned to Meadowmill Sports Centre.

We had a fantastic turn out on a beautiful sunny day with over 300 runners from 28 local Primary Schools.

Runners navigated a 1.2 mile route (just under 2km) around the sports grounds of Meadowmill Sports Centre over varying surfaces including grass, gravel, trail and tarmac paths.

The event was split into 4 races throughout the morning: Small Schools Girls; Big Schools Girls; Small Schools Boys; and Big Schools Boys. Each school’s first 4 finishers in each race earned points matching their overall race finish position (1st place = 1pt; 2nd place = 2pts; etc.) Final team results were awarded based on the schools with the lowest total scores, and medals were awarded to the Top 3 runners in each race.

Congratulations to our Top 3 finishers in each race and to our winning schools – East Linton Primary for Small Schools team result and Law Primary for Big Schools team result! Top 3 results are listed below:


Individual Results

Small Schools Girls

  1. Branna K, Saltoun – Time 8:20
  2. Orla P, St Mary’s – Time 8:25
  3. Grace G, St Gabriel’s – Time 8:33


Big Schools Girls

  1. Tessa R, Dunbar – Time 8:01
  2. Lucia W, Gullane – Time 8:06
  3. Etta R, Law – Time 8:20


Small Schools Boys

  1. Alex L, East Linton – Time 7:40
  2. Noah G, East Linton – Time 7:41
  3. Evan T, East Linton – Time 7:46


Big Schools Boys

  1. Tom I, Campie – Time 6:59
  2. Elliot S, Dunbar – Time 7:15
  3. Blair A, Law – Time 7:17


Team Results

Small Schools Team

  1. East Linton Primary
  2. Aberlady Primary
  3. West Barns Primary

Big Schools Team

  1. Law Primary
  2. Dunbar Primary
  3. Gullane Primary


Well done to all runners and schools who took part in the event. Everyone gave the run their best effort and demonstrated excellent team spirit in supporting others and creating a brilliant atmosphere for all involved in the day.


Thank You!

Thank you to Megan W and her team of volunteers for all their efforts in setting out the course, coordinating the finish area and timings, and preparing the final results.

Thank you to all of the supporting school staff, teachers, PE Specialists, and volunteers who helped in both the preparations and on the day.

Thank you also to our volunteer course marshals from Preston Lodge High School; to Meadowmill Sports Centre staff; to the Active Schools and Sports Development team; to Meadowmill Parkrun for allowing us to borrow their equipment; and to everyone who played a part in the planning, organisation, and in making the day a success. The event would not have been possible without everyone’s contributions.


We’re looking forward to seeing everyone back at next year’s Cross Country Championships in 2025!


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