Loretto Indoor Golf Academy
Full week: Monday – Friday
Session 1: 0900-1200 (age 5-11)
Session 2: 1300 - 1600 (age 9-13)
Dates: Mon 15th – Fri 19th February 2016
Price: £155
Payable at the start of the first session in cash or cheque payable to: Loretto Golf Academy
Venue: Loretto Indoor Golf Academy, Mill Lane, Musselburgh
To book a place contact: Loretto Golf Staff
Email: golfacademy@loretto.com, T: 0131 653 4507
Please note:
The above coaching is being delivered privately by Loretto School.
It is intended as an additional opportunity for those that wish to access indoor facilities and continue with golf through the Winter months.
East Lothian Council’s junior golf programme is delivered in partnership with ClubGolf at local clubs across East Lothian between Easter and October.
The cost for this coaching will range between £3 and £5 per hour.
Details of the 2016 coaching options will be sent out early 2106 when I have them agreed with the clubs.