
Community Sports Hubs

Knox Brings a Taste of the Olympic Relay to Haddington

Haddington host their very own torch relay

Knox Academy pupils brought a little bit of Olympic glamour to Haddington by organising their very own Olympic Torch Relay around the cluster primaries.  A tremendous effort by S1 art classes, with help from Miss McCready and Miss Edgar meant there was a huge selection of colourful replica torches to choose from.  The 5 best were chosen, and were taken to be presented to the primaries by Young Ambassadors Finlay Munro and Gabby Jackson, and Holly Ramage, a gymnastic hope for Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Each primary staged an official handover, with the torch often passing from a Knox pupil to the youngest primary pupil.  Many schools opted to hold their own Olympic themed events on the day of the handover, and Gabby and Holly even had the honour of running into Haddington Infants playground with to the theme tune from Chariots of Fire, although I’m not convinced the red faces were all to do with the running!  The torches were returned to Knox and put on display after the holidays during the Olympics.


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