
Community Sports Hubs

Lothian Disability Badminton Club - Club of the Year 2012

Club accepts award for second year

A Happy team

Lothian Disability Badminton Club was delighted to accept the award for Lothian Disability Club of the Year 2012, presented to them at Sport Scotland Head Office on Monday 25th of June. The club was a previous ‘Club of the Year’ winner in 2010 and everyone involved was very proud to receive this award for the second time.

Lothian Disability Badminton Club was formed in 2008 and has grown from strength to strength over the years in terms of numbers attending club nights, the range of disability catered for as well as medals won in competitive events.  The Club actively encourages both social and competitive play and welcomes all levels of players from newcomers to international competitors and places strong emphasis on the personal development of each player both socially and physically through sport.  Equipment is provided including rackets, shuttles and sports wheelchairs if required.

Community links are especially important with Volunteers coming from a broad background including Sports Science programmes as well as those undertaking Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Ongoing development has seen a strong commitment to Coach Education especially for disabled players; fulfilling a long term aim of disabled coaches coaching disabled players.

Lothian Disability Badminton Club is proud to be a major player in the World Para Badminton stage and this is reflected in the number of medals won.  The medal tally for the past year totals an impressive 22 medals (12 Gold, 9 Silver and 1 Bronze) brought back to the club from Four Nations, European and World Events.

The Club is determined not to rest on its laurels with future plans including physiotherapy involvement as well as strengthening links with rehabilitation centres encouraging participation in a sport which truly is open to all.

There are two club sections:

Musselburgh Sports Centre which supports players with a physical disability runs on Tuesday evenings 19.00 to 21.00. Bathgate Sports Academy is on Wednesday evenings 18.00 to 20.00 and is attended by players with a physical and/or learning disability.

The Club is currently on a Summer Break and will resume on Tuesday 14th of August for Musselburgh and Wednesday 15th of August for Bathgate – All welcome.  For more information go to:

The Club would like to give special thanks to Christine Black - East Lothian Sports Development Officer;  Gary Fraser East of Scotland Regional Development Manager, Scottish Disability Sport; Helen Bruce, Chair, Lothian Disability Sport and Alex Bird, Badminton Scotland for all of their hard work and support.


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