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Masterclass Sessions for PAiS Athletes

Olympic Silver Medallist Delivers Badminton Masterclass

Gail Emms Masterclass

Former World champion and Olympic silver medallist (Athens 2004) Gail Emms paid a visit to the National Badminton Academy, Scotstoun where she delivered a doubles masterclass to girls from the Glasgow School of Sport Programme and East Lothian Pais athletes Hannah Laing (Knox Academy) Megan Richardson (Knox Academy) and Kelly Sands (Ross High).

The girls all had the opportunity to play against or alongside Gail and were all given feedback on their game after each match. After the playing session Gail spent time with the group and answered any questions they had about her playing career.

Megan asked the Olympian if she regretted retiring when she did in which Gail answered ‘I knew in my heart l trained a 110% in every training session and couldn’t have achieved anymore.’

 East Lothian Badminton Development Officer Christine Black was delighted that all three players had the opportunity to meet Gail who is such a good role model and so inspirational on and off the court.


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