Musselburgh Primary Schools Send Out Positive Message
Fantastic work by Musselburgh Primary Schools and their Head Teachers / Deputy Head Teachers signing up to the East Lothian Sport Charter!
![E&I Muss PS](/media/muss_prim_all.jpg)
Musselburgh Primary School Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers showing their commitment to ensuring that East Lothian is a place where equality and diversity is valued and where inclusion and access are at the forefront of all we do. Through the Charter that they are signing they pledge their commitment to embracing equality and to actively tackling discrimination in all its forms. Good job Musselburgh Primary Schools!
East Lothian Sports Charter:
- We believe everyone should be able to participate and enjoy sport and physical activity whoever they are and whatever their background.
- We believe that sport and physical activity is about fairness, equality, respect and dignity.
- We will work together and individually to challenge unacceptable behaviour in all its forms to eliminate discrimination.
- We will make sport a welcome place for everyone - for those participating in sport, those attending sporting events and for those working or volunteering in sport and physical activity at any level.
- We will create an environment where everyone has a voice and feels safe and supported.
For more information and to show your commitment CLICK HERE!