
Community Sports Hubs

Musselburgh Schools Torch Relay

All Musselburgh schools take part in their own torch relay in honour of the London Olympics

Musselburgh Torch relay arrives at Burgh PS

As not everyone was able to see the Olympic Torch pass through Musselburgh, we decided to host our own torch relay.  The 7 primary schools worked incredibly hard to design their very own torches and 7 winners were chosen from the dozens of impressive entries.  These homemade torches started at Musselburgh Grammar School on Wednesday 13th June where they were walked from MGS to Whitecraig Primary School by about 20 MGS pupils.

From there, Whitecraig pupils carried the torches to Burgh Primary School, Burgh pupils carried to Stoneyhill Primary School, Stoneyhill carried to Campie Primary School, Campie carried to Loretto RC Primary School, Loretto carried to Pinkie St Peters Primary School, Pinkie carried to Wallyford Primary School, and Wallyford returned the torches to MGS on Friday 22nd June in time for the closing ceremony of the transition health and wellbeing day.

Thankfully the weather was fantastic for all but two days of the relay, meaning that the children involved had perfect opportunity to enjoy the experience.  Choirs, sports days, cheering crowds lining walkways, and even a piper at one school, welcomed torch relay parties along the way.

Active Schools would like to thank all those who help with the organisation of the relay, and for making the event such a memorable one for the children who took part in the relay and the welcoming parties.


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