
Community Sports Hubs

NBHS win first East Lothian Secondary Swimming Championship

NBHS EL Swimming Champions!

NBHS swimming champions 2015

North Berwick High School were victorious in the inaugural East Lothian Schools’ Swimming Championships, emerging as overall winners, ten points clear of the runners up, Ross High.

The event was aimed at non-club swimmers and club swimmers alike and North Berwick’s strength came from being able to field swimmers in every event across the three year groups (S1-S3) for both girls and boys.  All team members put in gutsy performances and earned valuable points for the team and also achieved a significant number of top three finishes: first place in seven events, second place in ten events and third place in four events.

NBHS was represented by:

Charlie Malcolm, Alexander McCrae, Hugh Taylor, Rosie Berwick, Anna Lissaman

Fraser Gilvary, Aidan Murray Denton, Esme Callander, Alex Easson, Elise Pirie

Cameron Miles, Robbie Wales, Sarah Anderson,  Abbi Brindley



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