Community Sports Hubs

Spotlight Win For Ethan Wilson!

Congratulations on your spotlight win Ethan!




Ethan is 14 years old and has coached the Dunbar P4 Mini team for over 3 years. For someone so young he delivers a high standard of coaching. The kids under his leadership Thrive in a happy environment and the parents constantly praise the work he does.


Ethan coaches every Sunday for two hours. He has also helped coach at Innerwick primary through Dunbar Grammar. Ethan has participated in a coaching course through school and is looking to complete a UKCC level 1 in near future. As well as coaching Ethan referees Mini matches at festivals and tournaments. He was asked to referee the final at North Berwick.


Ethan also assisted the Dunbar DO coaching after school club and at School Cluster sessions. Ethan puts everything into his sessions and learns from his School coaches and attending East Lothian and Borders rugby sessions implementing drills and skills he has learned.


Fantastic work Ethan!


All winners and nominees are inducted in to the Volunteer Role Of Honour 


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