Community Sports Hubs

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Knox Academy promotes a positive culture through the following:- WISDOM ENGAGEMENT RESPECT. I believe Sport and Physical activity are the perfect medium to develop these attributes for lifelong learning and wellbeing.


School clubs are run by a mixture of volunteers including staff, parents, coaches and development officers, and thanks to the formation of the Community Sport Hub, Knox has expanded the number of clubs by linking directly with wider Haddington community.


As well as running teams in football, rugby, hockey, basketball and badminton, the school has developed strong school cubs by working in partnership with community clubs such as Haddington Table Tennis Club, Tyne District Squash Club. The school also offers trampolining classes run by City of Edinburgh Trampoline Club.


Knox Academy are also proud to be one of only 30 schools in Scotland to be awarded “School of Rugby” status, leading to additional funding from the SRU and additional curricular time to develop rugby. We are currently also looking into developing a School of Hockey program - watch this space!


There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in sport and activity at Knox. So what are YOU waiting for?


At Active Schools we are always looking to promote opportunities for our Volunteers and Coaches to access training courses. 

You can now find the most up to date training information from our Partners & Governing Bodies at the Training For All Page


The Knox Academy Activity Timetable will be uploaded shortly.


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