
Community Sports Hubs

Knox Academy National School Sport Week

Knox academy celebrated National School Sport Week with a series of events to promote physical activity.


Last week Knox academy celebrated National School Sport Week with a series of events to promote physical activity. Events were organised by Sport & Physical Activity Coordinator Andy Lambert, along with members of the PE department. They were assisted by other teaching staff and assistants, as well as input from local clubs, meaning all pupils in the school had the opportunity to participate in activities at some point in the week.

On Monday all S1-S3 pupils came to the PE department at various points in the day and were given the choice of 4 activities; Exercise to Music run by Miss Waters, Racketwall run by Ron Pearman from Haddington Squash Club, Rugby League run by Mark Senter from Scottish Rugby League, and Softball run by the PE department. Around 400 pupils took part over the course of the day, with the majority enjoying the experience of taking part in new activities.

Tuesday was Sports Day, and the PE department were delighted to see the sun shining over Haddington on the day! The whole school took to the field for Periods 1-4, with activities for all ranging from track and field events to beat the goalie run by staff and senior pupils. With house points on offer for all activities, individual and house awards were up for grabs. Niamh Fraser and Dean Riva took Girls & Boys Champion for S1 respectively, with Rachael Watson and Gordon Scott winning for S2. In S3, the champions were Kaelyn Pritchard and Innes Ogilvie, while Holly Ramage and Nick Stewart took the titles for the Seniors. Lammerlaw were the overall House Champions.

On Wednesday, a large group of S1-S3 pupils made their way to the Aubigny Centre for the Swimming Gala. With races in front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke, as well as relays, there were plenty of points up for grabs and the House Championship was fiercely contested. In the end though, Garlton proved too strong and won comfortably, largely thanks to swimmers Cameron Broadfoot, Innes Ogilve and Bethany Harrison who finished with 3 victories apiece.

Unfortunately due to wet underfoot conditions, many of Thursday’s activities had to be cancelled. A huge number of pupils took part in the week’s events however, and hopefully their National School Sport Week, along with Euro 2012 and the London Olympics were inspire them to stay active over their summer holidays.


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